Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Delta Fair Exhibit
I went through the exhibit at the Delta Fair held at the Agricenter.  They had amateur art work that was entered to win cash prizes and art work from Memphis and Shelby County School students.  There was a lot of great work there and it was amazing to see how such young artist work really looks great.  The photographs taken by amateur photographers were also nice.

Hyper Decent: Coriana Close
Her work had a lot of concept to it.  There was a loud siren that blared throughout the entire exhibit.  Her work has a racial aspect to it.  Also, there was history.  I liked the video that she had playing.  It could be interpreted in many ways. 

Thomas Allen Harris
The lecture was given by Thomas Allen Harris who is a film director/actor/producer.  His lecture emphasized the need to use what he called the family archive.  He used this term quite a bit in his lecture.  What he meant by family archive is all of the pictures that you have taken within your family.  His ongoing project called DDFR is a road show where he allows people to bring in their old family portraits and have them discuss the importance and meaning of the pictures.  He has created this into a video series and travels city to city. 

From Houdini to Hugo: Brian Selznick
This was at the Dixon Gallery on Park Ave.  There are many paintings and drawings that Selznick has done.  He uses graphite, colored pencils and acrylic in all of his work.  There were a lot of great pieces in the show and showed his talent using all of the mediums in his drawings, paintings, and models.  A lot of his work is directed at children and you can tell by the way he draws people and animals.

Looking for One Thing, Finding Another: Melissa Dunn
All of her work is abstract.  To be honest, I really don’t get abstract art.  Her paintings are very vivid and colorful, just I don’t understand what I am looking at.  I do like her work, I like the way it looks, and how it makes me feel when I look at it.  I guess abstract art is more about just putting emotions on canvas, and letting the viewer interpret it.